Amazon Warehouse and delivery drivers unionizing is not similar to the situation that the YouTube Music workers are dealing with and aren’t the same as what the Alphabet union is but I’m glad you feel like undermining alphabet users achieving what they have but you are fully into recognizing two Apple retail stores barely passing and neglecting to mention their constant Union busting and propaganda. Thanks for supporting workers!
Two things: for one, I work at Google and am part of the AWU, so fuck you.
And for two, please explain exactly how amazon unionization is so fundamentally different from AWU unionization? Is it because AWU seeks to represent workers from every contractor/vendor alongside actual full time Googlers? Or what?
Yeah you know what. You are just a shit human. Good luck my guy I’m not gonna waste my time with your vile bullshit
Lmao you’ve got nothing, that’s why you aren’t gonna waste your time. You tried saying I dont support workers or some shit when I’m part of the fucking union you just claimed me to be undermining. Maybe join and support a union yourself? I wouldn’t stoop as low as calling you a shit human, but you are severely misguided.
No because I’m not gonna argue with a short asshole who just makes up shit to try to win internet arguments.
And what do you think I’ve made up to win an argument? You are making a lot of baseless claims here, looks like you are the one making up shit
Sup bro, I hired nlbl whatever. They have a guy that’ll come fuck you in the ass and shit in your mouth every night. Don’t like it? Not my problem, talk to nlbl.
Oh, and I support you union and whatever.
Did you remember to take your medications?
Oh and thanks for the support
Oh, I don’t actually care about unions or supporting them. I just want you to eat shit. nlbr is a scape goat for that.
Lol what would I have made up? That makes no sense
You made up me making up stuff. I never misrepresented anything in my comments, so your claim that I have made stuff up is a lie.