Neuralink’s human trials volunteers ‘should have serious concerns,’ say medical experts::A medical ethics committee responded to Elon Musk’s brain-interface startup issuing an open call for patients yesterday.
I think you are hating simply because musk, they have FDA approval. People are going to get this implant in their brain, and if I remember I’ll come back here and send you a message that you were wrong when it happens.
I hope you sign up
I’m not disabled, so I can’t even if I wanted to. I don’t want to either, I’m not stupid
So you’re worried the implant will affect your memory. Got it.
FDA approval ain’t evidence that something is safe. See the recent approvals for anti-Alzheimers meds that have a terrible side-effect to benefit ratio.
For sure, that’s what the testing is for. Now that a device has been put in a human it will be determined if it’s safe over many years and trials.
If something is dangerous in animal testing, it shouldn’t reach humans. The FDA is toothless (due to underfunding and regulatory capture).
Did you see the article about what they did to those monkeys?
Any human that allows this half-baked shit near them in it’s current state should be terrified.
They only said people would get the implants, not that they would survive. If they have FDA approval, I’m afraid the previous poster may be correct.
I came back to this thread to prove op wrong, because I was right. Yes some poor monkies got killed but that’s because it was a half baked device, it’s sort of impossible to skip the half baked step when developing a complex device.
Now that they are in the human stages hopefully it’s well passed half baked and into the good beta device range. Like I originally said all you guys are just hating on musk and shitting on companies he runs that are legitimately cool and doing good things for the world.
Shit on Twitter all you want, that place is ass though
No, what did they do to them?
I’ll let someone else link it, or I’m sure you can easily find it if you search Google News. Just a warning though, is awful to read.
Warning: animal suffering.
that’s just… that gave me nausea
I’m with the other guy, I’m not reading that again, but I remember it was on the verge if that helps.