So I’m finally upgrading to multi gig (either 2gb or 5gb google fiber) and will need a new router. On att 1gb atm. I’ve narrowed it down to either the QNAP QHora-301W or the [TP-Link AXE16000 ( Curious if anyone else with google fiber is using either of these?

Also, I’ve read conflicting posts about being able to use your own router to directly connect to the fiber(such as using an SFP module on the to link router). Admittedly I know very little about SFP and am trying to figure it all out prior to ordering in the next few weeks.

    2 years ago

    Use a old PC with Pfsense, Opnsense, or OpenWRT, as you can buy a MELLANOX CONNECTX-3 for like $25 on ebay, and you can get a Good AP that supports OpenWRT for like $70-$100, and a switch for like $120 that has one 10Gb in and one 10Gb out with 4-8 2.5Gb ports. I do recommended Opnsense then you can have IPS etc.