Today we take the next step to unify these capabilities into a single experience we call Microsoft Copilot, your everyday AI companion. Copilot will uniquely incorporate the context and intelligence of the web, your work data and what you are doing in the moment on your PC to provide better assistance – with your privacy and security at the forefront. It will be a simple and seamless experience, available in Windows 11, Microsoft 365, and in our web browser with Edge and Bing. It will work as an app or reveal itself when you need it with a right click. We will continue to add capabilities and connections to Copilot across to our most-used applications over time in service of our vision to have one experience that works across your whole life.
Copilot will begin to roll out in its early form as part of our free update to Windows 11, starting Sept. 26 — and across Bing, Edge, and Microsoft 365 Copilot this fall. We’re also announcing some exciting new experiences and devices to help you be more productive, spark your creativity, and to meet the everyday needs of people and businesses.
I only clicked on this thread to see how far I’d have to scroll before some wee fanny said “aCkSHuRLy I uSE LInUx”
First comment lol
For a website that hates using Windows, they sure fucking talking it a lot.
Operating systems is an interesting topic to talk about for us cool nerds, ur just not part of the club cuz ur lame
I wonder if we should all subscribe to the Linux communities and every time someone posts a question about how to get something to run, we could reply “AkShaurLy I dOnT hAvE thIs ProBlEm cOs iM runnINg wEnDOWS wITH thE HaNd pAinTed pErIWinkLeS”
before some wee fanny said “aCkSHuRLy I uSE LInUx”
I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
I’d just like to interject for a moment. You had assumed that littering your comment with technical jargon pertaining to your favourite operating system, (which, for reasons unbeknown to most of us, contains references to antelopes of the genus Connochaetes), and that it would impress us so much that we’d immediately switch from Windows and/or cause us to start frothing uncontrollably at the gash, yet the simple fact is that all you have done is convince the majority of Windows users that you are, as previously mentioned, a wee fanny
he doesn’t know lol
Lol, gets me everytime. A good chuckle for the day. Thank you!