Can you blame it?
Edge does a lot of things to annoy me on Windows, but this is not one. I do not think I had to change the default browser for every file type. Also the normal user would never notice this problem, as they rarely open HTML files directly.
In 11 changing the default browser does not change all the filetypes the broswer can open. Setting an alternate browser as the default only sets the new browser to open a few filetypes. Its why I see confused illiterates at my workplace with Chrome, Adobe, and Edge open.
Wow dude that’s unnecessary.
What browser do you suggest for illustrator files? You photoshop directly in firefox? Adobe applications are a necessary evil for some people, and multiple browsers can be handy for sandboxing or separating user profiles, especially on public machines. People with multiple applications open aren’t “confused illiterates” jfc. They just use their computers differently from you.
You’re allowed to be a little bit mean on the internet.
Particularly when the most virulent word used was “illiterate”
I find “Rude.” pretty virulent myself.
They are confused when all 3 have PDFs open in them.
Oh. Oh my. I take it all back.
The latest trick is they ignore the default choice completely and open all links in Outlook in edge anyhow, also they are sending notifications saying to use edge or get less battery time.