Context; So… Just bought a brand new TV and life is good, but I should have done more research before buying it. I primarily want to use PLEX for watching media on the TV. However, due to “smart TV’s” not being smart and being rather slow because most current TV operating systems are either bloated or just riddled with ads.
Question; So Plex is there, but it runs very poorly. What are the best options out there to get this running smoothly? Are the only options AppleTV and Amazon Firestick? Anyone been in this boat before that have any tips-n-tricks to share?
Ps. I hate ads, so the Firestick is of off the charts.
Much appreciated
Is “the Cadillac of ____” still a relevant reference? It’s been a minute since the Cadillac brand has been known for quality.
It’s been a long time since anyone actually used a rule of thumb too, but it is recognized enough as a colloquialism to still be used in a sentence and understood as a metaphor. That is how I was using Cadillac here—not to refer to an actual Cadillac, but rather the pop cultural conception of what a Cadillac is supposed to mean.
Great Point 👍
The song I’m listening to from 2022 literally just said “Woke up in a Cadillac” too. 😆
The idea of a Cadillac is strong, even if the Cadillac itself is not, lol.
He mean Lexus, but he ain’t know it.