The value was the content provided for free by the people, the company ran ads against that content and are now trying to sell it to AI companies to train their models against.
Server costs money to run. Company has to make money or it’ll go out of business. Either the people making the posts have to pay or the people reading do.
And apparently Reddit wants to pay people for their content now anyways.
I’m not rehashing this again, but there were many ways to tweak things, such as serving ads to the apps through the api, to charging a small reasonable fee to 3rd party app users. Instead they killed off the other apps.
I’m saying the people reading pay via ads, and outside companies pay for the content itself which breaks your false choice.
And apparently Reddit wants to pay people for their content now anyways.
I don’t think that’s because they want to.
Even if not a huge threat today, it’s pretty obvious that apps like Lemmy can completely replace Reddit for users. All Lemmy needs now is just enough critical mass of interactions like comments. Reddit has to come up with ways to keep people around because it’s core features are way too basic and replaceable.