They are renting server space off a big company, not much different than AWS or Azure.
Except that it is
You are just used to aws. They are a shit company too.
Tencent is a CCP front. No way they are just letting Telegram operate on their hardware without snooping some. No guarantees about data security when you’re operating on someone else’s switches.
Yeah, sure. Totally different from having backdoors to the NSA or collecting massive amounts of personal data for targeted ads.
EDIT: You can’t trust ANY company if your concern is privacy; your data is just too profitable (for them) to sit there untouched.
Amazon and Google are NSA fronts. You are just used to what you know. Our computers have chips in them made by Intel, with closed firmware. Our operating systems are made by Microsoft, Google and Apple.
I agree that it’s better to be under American spies than Chinese spies but it’s mostly the same idea of monitoring everyone and making sure they stay in line.
Cool. Where’s your proof for any of that? You can Google my claim about Tencent.