Share to - - > Newpipe Sponsorblock also works.
Is there sponsorblock on the phone?
Yes, on Android:
Firefox/Fennec/fork of Firefox + Sponsorblock
Newpipe Sponsorblock
Youtube Revanced
Thanks for this, now I have sponsorblock on the phone and on the TV also, very cool!
No problem, the youtube experience without adblock and sponsorblock is bad. If you have AndroidTV, SmartTube is a thing.
Yeah, that’s what I installed, it’s really good! I just wosh something simmilar would exist for PeerTube too.
I wonder why uBlock Origin blocks revanced:
Because it’s not the right webpage. The official page is or you can directly go to the github.
I see it’s not the official website, interesting.
There are multiple fake website. The team can’t do much about them. Revanced is a manager and people have to patch the APK on their phones.
Any apk people can found isn’t official.