Laws like the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), which features overly broad definitions of the platforms it targets and has troubling privacy implications thanks to surveillance requirements, could sweep companies like Netflix or Disney up into its dragnet.
Streaming companies are usually pro-net neutrality, and that’s been a difficult concept for lawmakers and regulators in DC to fully grasp.
For those that read just the headline. Not everything is black and white.
Every now and again, their interests align with the average person.
But make no mistake, the companies forming a coalition like this for one or two good causes won’t make up for the long term damage it will no doubt cause.
It doesn’t matter; they’re controlling media and entertainment and that makes them always bad regardless of any extenuating circumstances.
All of those problems can be solved by breaking apart all of those corporations, putting all modern franchises in the public domain and legalizing pirating. Change the law solely for our benefit and not theirs. If they don’t make content anymore, great; we’ll shut off their shitty AIs and make shit ourselves like we were supposed to be doing the whole time.