If I’ve learned anything about corporate lobbying groups it’s that they only exist to fuck you and ruin any legislation that attempts to protect you from them.
Eat shit SIA.
Corps form “unions” and use money gained by preferential treatment by government to create propaganda shitting on unions.
Funny that.
No wait, infuriating. That’s the word.
They cry about the “free market” and then run to the Government to ask for “protection”.
Wait, what? What corporations form labor unions designed to undermine labor unions? Are you calling a lobbying group a union? Are you using terminology creatively or is there something I hadn’t heard about? EDIT: I guess I never get to find out. :(
Sorry for the late reply, I’m not on all the time.
I was using it creatively which is why I used quotation marks. They act as a collective for their own benefit as a union does.
Cool! Thanks for the update.