nuff said
I know it’s easy to just rag on twitter, but I think that everyone needs to remember that a lot of the problems Twitter is facing are also problems that the entire industry is facing.
Ad rates are down across the board. You hear YouTubers talking about it, you here people who run websites talking about it, and that’s just the way things are.
Everyone got really pissed off at Elon for the mass layoffs, but everyone seems to forget that every other company also did layoffs just a few months later.
In short, blame them for the stuff that he actually did, not systemic trends that affect everyone.
His layoffs were way more stupid than others. They were sudden, they were spiteful, they were public, they made little sense even in the framework of the bigger picture
You can blame him for the stupidity of how he engaged in them, but a lot of people seem to think that if nothing else had happened there never would have been layoffs.
Big Tech got fat during the pandemic, it couldn’t have kept on growing as people started leaving the house again.
Yeah, big tech is bloated, and the layoffs are widespread, but whatever Musk did was stupid on top of that
Are you honestly arguing Musk did NOT somehow fundamentally fuck up Twitter? That he was a victim of circumstance? Give me a break, dawg.
I’m saying blame him for the things he actually did. Just like I said I said.
It’s turning into a recurring gag for me to see another news article about some website (like reddit, for example) crashing and burning and my response is “Why would Elon Musk do this?”
Musk is somebody who is used to running a startup, where if you fire everybody and shut down operations for a couple years while government subsides and pre-orders are happy to wait 6 years for things to actually be delivered.
It doesn’t work for a business that needs to remain operational.
Alot of companies announced layoffs, it was typically only 2-7% of their workforce. Elon laid off 75%+
And yes, a lot of his actions are necessary moves. He needed a transition plan