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Also, sort reviews for things by “newest” and read the reviews. Most of the time companies will do the majority of their fake spamming of reviews during the first weeks of release and if you read the more recent reviews you’re likely to get more truth to them. I’ve looked at 4.5 star rated stuff with a thousand reviews before, but sorting by most recent I’ve seen 4 out of 5 of the reviews show up as 1 star rated.
It’s really hard to know whether or not the reviews are astroturf though. Sometimes poor English is a clue, but not always.
That’s the point of sorting by newest. If a product has been for sale for over a month it is highly unlikely that most of the most recent reviews are fake/paid.
That’s where fakespot comes into play. I have the add on on my browser and it rates the reviews. Anything below a B is probably filled with fakes. You can even sort the entries using fakespot adjusted review scores.