The Grace Hopper Celebration is meant to unite women in tech. This year droves of men came looking for jobs.
This really sounds like a failure of the organizers more than anything- first off, lumping in non-binary is a catch all that anyone will take advantage of, and second and most importantly, everyone was complaining about long lines. Long lines means lots of people. Lots of people means the event over-sold their $600-$1000 tickets.
Sounds like the event organizers were more interested in making money than helping women in tech- women would have had the same problems had it been 100% women.
Edit: I’m not bashing non binary people, I’m just saying that people will take advantage of it, that’s all.
Including non-binary people was not the problem. Relevant quote:
“, the nonprofit that runs the conference, said there was “an increase in participation of self-identifying males” at this year’s event. The nonprofit says it believes allyship from men is important and noted it cannot ban men from attending due to federal nondiscrimination protections in the US.”
They identified as male, not non-binary, and the event allowed men to come.
So they identified as men, and the event allowed the men to come? Then I’m failing to see what the issue is?
The problem is, the event’s not allowed to discriminate officially. The article is about lamenting the ability to discriminate
I’m sure so many people right now have that shit eating grin, especially after reading
The nonprofit says it believes allyship from men is important and noted it cannot ban men from attending due to federal nondiscrimination protections in the US.
the article quotes a bunch of people frustrated at pushing, shoving, line cutting etc at the job fair portion that weren’t visiting presentations - basically people who didn’t want to listen to the speeches but wanted to throw out resumes, fuck everyone else.
IMO they could solve the problem with a stamp system for people who sat through a presentation but its kind of shitty to have to treat everyone like kids because a couple dudes can’t behave themselves.
It also mentioned how some were lying about their identity, but I’m not sure how they figured that out
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Exactly like Java vs Python vs C++
what genders of nonbinary are/aren’t welcome
Like, intergender is fine, but genderless is not…? or the other way around?
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If this group organized and got on the phone to coordinate the employers to show up, they have every right to make the job fair for whoever they like I would think.
you have to specify what genders of nonbinary are/aren’t welcome
“Genders of nonbinary”
My friend, nonbinary is a gender. This is like asking what type of bird a chicken is.
That’s a bad analogy, because a chicken is a Galliform.
TIL chickens can time travel.
I knew it. I felt it the second I typed it that there was something wrong with the analogy and someone who knows birds more than me would come along and point it out. I posted the analogy anyway. That’s on me.
It was an excellent analogy.
Thank you for your service. Damn near fell out of my chair.
Nonbinary is a category of genders much like intersex is a category of sexes. It contains everything from agender to bigender to demigenders and all sorts of others. Much like how intersex can mean anything from completely ambiguous reproductive structures to anomalies of the sex chromosomes to natural hormone imbalance starting at puberty as well as several other traits. Sometimes it’s relevant to narrow it down.
What are the genders of non-binary?
And while you’re here, is yellow more of a blue or red?
Yellow is far closer to red than blue… it has a wavelength of ~570 nm, while red is ~615 nm and blue ~470 nm.
Edit, mistake
This is like saying that I’m closer to being a New Yorker than a Californian, because I live in North Carolina.
Sure, something is “closer”, but it is completely distinct and has little to do with either.
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But that’s only in RGBW, how about in CYMK?