for the first i didn’t really understand the circumstances (the sites requires subscribtion to read the article) for the second i guess it’s normal that if you do something anti ethical you don’t deserve the privacy the app offered to you. like dark web is nice for not getting censured but pedosites needs to be shutted down and people behind them punished
@progettarsi > the sites requires subscribtion to read the article
Here’s a link without a pay wall> it’s normal that if you do something anti ethical you don’t deserve the privacy the app offered to you
This contradicts what you said earlier : “a lot of illegal things happens on telegram proving that maybe their privacy is better than you think”
yeah a lot of illegal things happen on telegram = the app tries to cover you how it can, but if the law claims a thing there isn’t a lot to do
@progettarsi Then they shouldn’t publicize their app as a private messaging app, since they have access to our supposedly private conversations. That is actively harming their users because they’re giving them a false sense of security. I have some IRL friends who think Telegram is more private than WhatsApp (which is obviously wrong because WhatsApp at least uses E2EE **by default**) due to this false publicity.
i’m that friend. telegram isn’t selling my data and isn’t spying on my chat while I’m writing which makes e2e useless. also telegram isn’t owned by a multimillionaire corporation that is famous for selling any data of its users. And honestly I’m feeling better chatting on an app that admits that doesn’t have e2e, that WhatsApp selling itself as e2e but spying on its users constantly My personal rank in security is: 1. Signal, the best in security but lacking of features; 2. Telegram, good security and a lot of features, in contact with the community; 3. WhatsApp, lacking of features, owned by Meta, spying on users