The Grace Hopper Celebration is meant to unite women in tech. This year droves of men came looking for jobs.
If woman want a job fair they should create one that actually only allows women, but given no one seems to have a definition for women, it might be hard to do.
Way to be exactly the type of person they are referring to.
what type of person who referred to?
Bigoted loser.
be nice.
You don’t deserve it.
why not
Federal anti-discrimination laws disallow this. It has nothing to do with the “definition of women”.
which law prevents a private female only conference from happening? As far as I know, there are no such laws.
Read The Fucking Article, that’s the exact reason they allowed men at the conference in question: federal nondiscrimination laws
I’m saying I don’t buy that reason. There are no laws (afaik) that prevent exactly what I described. Federal discrimination laws typically refer to employment or public places, not private events.
This is an employment related event. Anti discrimination laws apply to applicants.
If it was just a networking event, no problem, ban men
I don’t believe there are any laws that make that illegal. There are plenty of black only recruiting events, there was one at my college. If you can find me a law that says this is illegal I will bite my tongue, but from what I can tell it applies to employers, not anything close to recruiting events.
I swear to fucking christ
Are you a lawyer? Because the legal team of this event made this decision
I’m not citing case law to you just because you think you know better than a team of actual lawyers. Jesus.
chill… just discussing how i feel about a topic on a discussion forum. not that serious, you’re under no obligation to reply.
This statement didn’t come from lawyers btw. I suggest you look into non discrimination laws and youll see why i feel the way i do.
good lord, relax. he’s obviously saying he thinks they should be permitted to have women only events.