No need for stuff that will get outdated and needs dealer updates (if they are even supplied).
This is specifically why people like CarPlay and Android Auto; they are managed by your phone instead of the car manufacturer. If you bought one of the first CarPlay capable cars in 2014, it still works with the new CarPlay features that just shipped in iOS 17 last week.
CarPlay and Android Auto basically turn your infotainment system into a dumb terminal for your phone. They work by turning it into a second display. All the head unit has to do is relay touch inputs back to the device. It is completely unaware of what actual software is running, it just sees a video signal and your fingers.
This is also probably why Tesla and General Motors don’t like it. They want you to pay them for the new features you otherwise get for free with your phone.
If that is so, that’s really cool.
But other users said it already and I agree: Not everythibg needs to be smart.
Really had attentiom issues with this whole infotainment system while driving.
So I’d agree: Less is better. More knobs amd keys instead of a large pane of touchscreen. Also the whole infosec about cars is probably still only surface level. Who knows what outdated piece of tech lingers in the depths.Ah yes, such overly smart features as… your navigation on the screen, your currently playing music app, and maybe a handful of driving specific apps.
It’s literally just the same stuff you would normally expect, but with the ability to install/change/update completely independently of the car.
Also not sure what the age of the parts of the car have to do with anything. Are you concerned your 20 year old tv is suddenly going to be sprouting an autonomous cellular connection and broadcasting your content to the internet?
In the specific case of a car: Less is better.
Just a personal preference.If the options are a phone in your hand, or a car safe version of the same info on your dash, I think it should be obvious which one is better.