What’s a kagi
It’s a search engine with better results than google https://kagi.com
How’s it better than Google? Google is the king of data, idk how this competes with that
Google monetizes the search experience. It’s gotten steadily worse at its primary function for the last 15 years. Eventually, a better search engine will exist, it just takes time for Google to enshittify theirs enough.
Meh, I use adblocker and ghostery. The impact on my results is minimal if anything
But it’s not free. Pretty important point for a lot of people.
Yeah funny no one is mentioning the cost. It’s wildly expensive.
What would you say a good price is ?
The lowest tier should be about $20/yr. I’d pay that. The family unlimited $60/yr. I’d pay that for my wife and kids to have it too.