I feel like it’s going to be the 7 year commitment. I don’t think they’ll keep it. They’ll find a way to rephrase and reframe and abandon the 7 year updates like they do so many of their announced plans.
Only security updates after 4 years. I’m betting. We won’t see Android 20 on this.
Which actually might be okay.
The new features that I give a shit about have mostly plateaued now. I don’t care about new releases. As long as “what I bought keeps working and some cunt next to me on a laptop can’t randomly hack my phone” remains in effect I legitimately might not care.
Phones just do the same stuff now, so updates don’t really matter beyond security. That’s a problem for the pixel 8 too… I’ve got a 7a and it’s not really got anything my 5 didn’t have, other than being bigger and heavier. So I’m not even bothered by the 8.