I’m not rebuilding a boat. I’m finding a boat in good condition with space to basically camp for a week. Inverter? Generator? Bro I’m not buying a yacht. I’m looking at 50 year old boats built like tanks with matching accomodations. Just want to get out there and have some fun. Lines can get rough and ugly but still have years in them when it’s double braid. Also it’s going to be in fresh water for most of its life. Merely interested in patching any bad looking stuff with fairing compound, hit it with some bottom paint every now and then. I already passed on a 1972(?) Pearson 26 (soft spots in the deck), now looking at an Ericson 27 instead.
Forget this guy. Just go enjoy your boat if its within your means. Not everybody wants to or is psychologically able to sit around and do nothing in the name of saving money. Maybe boats are depreciating assets, but so too are our lives.