Tried to use OSMAnd last week to navigate around on vacation. For some reason it seems to be incapable of searching for house numbers, which is an instant dealbreaker. I’m very confused as to how or why this is a thing on such a mature product.
I was able to share a location from GMaps WV over to it to get navigation working, and from there the navigation was awesome!
Currently also testing Magic Earth and Organic Maps but I’m very interested to hear from those with more experience.
Things I don’t understand
- “dev in the link”
- “obf files”
- Android data directory
Also I can use GW maps to get locations and share them over but why not just use an app that works instead?
Why not just use an app? Thats what addresstogps does pretty much. Its very easy. But for some people its a deal breaker that it uses Google as a back end for data. The other thing is it requires data to work.
I meant the developer in the link I posted. Obf files are just the file type that the maps are in. Android directory is when you go into your android file manager, there is a list of folders like android or downloads. When you choose the android folder, the next folders are data, media,and obb.
So addresstogps is way easier but it requires data to work. If you’re going hiking or camping and cant get cell service for example, addresstogps wouldnt work but, those map files preloaded with address data would. They don’t require data. Which are the obf map files.