I own a car older than that. What I don’t want is to buy an EV and when it needs repair I have to find the one shop in my state that knows what to do. I keep hearing horror stories of having to go back to the dealer.
The problem will be solved with time but right now I would be hesitant if I was looking at replacing my car.
They generally need the same maintenance as any other car, struts, suspension, wheels, and miscellaneous parts that break. They’re not magical, they just use a different fuel.
Ok good to know, and the battery replacement stuff is all settled as well? I am planning my next car to be a used EV I just don’t want to have problems.
Battery replacements are generally about as frequent as getting a new transmission or engine. They’re rare, expensive, but if you want to pick something up on the used or remanufactured market it’s much cheaper. Supposedly the average battery will outlast the life of the car. My EV is only a year old, so I’ll have to get back to you on that, but the number I’ve heard is 10% degradation in 10 years.