nuff said

    202 years ago

    But he’s not. He’ll be fine. He’ll always be fine.

    It’s hard to comprehend just how vastly, mind-bogglingly rich the ultra rich are, so consider: according to Wikipedia, Musk’s net worth in July 2023 was about $239 billion. That means that he could lose 99% of everything he owns, and then lose 99% of what was left, and be left with over $20 million, more money than most of us will see in a lifetime.

    He’s not going to be applying for EBT any time soon. Hell, he’s not going to be selling off the spare Lamborghini any time soon.

      72 years ago

      Yeah he personally isn’t broke and no matter how much debt Twitter racks up, it can’t put him in the red. That’s just how corporations work.

      Still, he borrowed that $44bil and will have to face the people who lent it to him. Apparent the service on that debt is already equal to Twitter’s total operating expenses. That’s real money.

      WhY he’s lost by this is prestige. He lost the court case and demonstrably got taken to the cleaners. He hasn’t been able to turn the business around and in fact has made it worse. And his creditors are left holding the bag. That’s some real humiliation for someone like him.

      12 years ago

      Oh, just for contrast: imagine someone who graduates from med school, immediately gets a job as a neurosurgeon making $200,000/year — No, let’s say she really works hard, and is very good at her job, and spends wisely, and actually manages to save $200,000/year. Let’s say she manages to keep this up every year for 50 years. How much does she have when she retires? $20 million, less than if Elon Musk lost 99% of everything, and then lost 99% again.