Had to get a new laptop for work. Came with Windows 11. It’s fine. I actually like one feature it comes with that windows 10 doesn’t have. I went through the rigamarole of uninstalling all the nonsense and stopping tracking (yeah, sure I did), and all that. It’s a pain. I did it with windows 10. And 7. And I’m sure I fucked around with XP. I’ll fuck around with every windows I get.
My PC is windows 10. I won’t upgrade. When I build a new one, who knows!
I liked one thing about this comment, but I’ll never tell…
Computer users hate him for this one trick!
Whats the one feature you like that windows 10 doesn’t have?
Not OP but personally touch input feels much better implemented on 11 than any previous Windows
Right? Bro left us hanging. I wanna know too lol