I cloned my own voice to prank a friend, and… Wow, it was a gut-dropping moment when I understood just how dangerous this tool is for precisely this type of scam.
It’s one thing to hear about it, but to actual experience it… Terrifying.
Mind sharing more info about the prank? Sounds like an interesting story
Oh, it was nothing more than just showing off the technology, really. It wasn’t a committed bit.
I cloned my voice then left a voicemail that said something like: “hey buddy it’s me. My car broke down and I’m at… Actually I don’t know where I’m at. I walked to the gas station and borrowed this guy’s phone. He said he’ll give me a ride into to town if I can get him $50 bucks. Could you venmo it to him at @franks_diner? I’ll get you back as soon as I can find my phone. … By the way this is really me, definitely not a bot pretending to be me.”
We neeeed a guide 👋
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