People Are Okay With Wind & Solar Installations In Their Neighborhoods, Studies Say::More neighborhoods than ever are accepting the role of solar and wind power installations near their homes and towns.
I’m shocked people are fine with clean windmills and solar panels near their home and not dirty coal plants. If anything seeing clean energy just makes you think of a rich neighborhood just like a Tesla would.
Solar Plants were always the most expensive option in Sim City. Coal was the cheapest. It’s been engrained in us since our childhood.
I’m amazed anybody is against solar at all, it’s the least obtrusive energy regardless of anything else. I’m genuinely happy to see wind power but I also respect people who feel it’s a necessary eyesore, as that’s basically taste, but who has ever seen a solar panel and been unhappy without the person being a crazy radicalised person who isn’t taken seriously anyway.
Also Sim City is old, maybe those costs were more true back then? Either way I think people are generally learning that green energy can be more cost effective now.
But solar energy sucks up the sun! /s
Come to the UK, where its so popular with a particular demographic that the ruling party banned on shore wind farms (lifted as a month ago) as well as large solar installs on farming land, even if its low yield for crops. Pretty sure they only lifted the onshore wind farm ban because nobody bid in the last offshore wind farm auction.