YouTube TV, which costs $73 a month, agrees to end “$600 less than cable” ads::Google to “modify or cease” ads after industry review board rejects appeal.
Is cable cheaper? I haven’t used it for 15+ years so I have no comparison.
I currently pay $130 for cable and internet with Verizon (was $115 but they raised it recently). Cable package is comparable to youtube tv and the internet is 90 up/down.
But I’m moving and if I want useful upload speeds from Comcast at the new place I need a package that’s something like $200+ per month. I’m going with tmobile internet and YouTube tv since it’s about $70 cheaper.
Personally, I’d love to just diitch cable. I only want it for hockey and I can get that with ESPN+ and a VPN. But my wife watches it quite bit. She’s got a dozen shows on different cable channels she watches religiously.
I think I’m paying 120/mo for 2gig down and 350 or 500 up, unlimited. I just use yt premium and pirate all else so I just need the fast connection
90? How do you live?
90 is plenty for us since we have cable. We’ve only got about two people max at a time streaming something and it’s always at 1080p anyway. The upload speed is actually the bigger deal for me as I play online d&d with video calling and a self hosted virtual tabletop a couple times a week.
Ah, yeah. I pirate random shit, download/update games a lot and my tv is almost always on a 4k youtube video of some sort
Jesus. I pay Comcast $50/month for 800 down/200 up + $10 for unlimited data.
Internet options here are pretty damn bleak. I was counting on at least just moving my fios service but that’s a nogo as their service ends in the neighborhood across the street from our new house.
Where? I’m near LA with similar pricing to the guy above you.
Just north of Seattle.
Look into Dish Network or Sling. Both of them are usually cheaper than YouTube TV, but both have drawbacks. But if you get all the channels you want on them, you can save a ton.
Doing won’t give us the channels my wife wants, and the place we’re moving into is too tree covered for satellite to work well (in addition to new not wanting to deal with it). Thanks for the suggestions though!
What does she usually watch? I got my MIL on Frndly TV, which doesn’t carry ANY sports channels, so the costs are fairly low. All sorts of Hallmark, Lifetime, Game Show channels. Pretty sweet, honestly.
Regardless, good luck finding something.
Thanks, I’ll check them out! She watches all sorts of junk reality TV on lots of cable channels and network dramas. She’s also very tech technophobic so I’ll likely end up paying to make sure she can access everything from a single interface. Otherwise I’ll be called in to help her find her shows every night.
Heh, yea, I get that. I call it the mother in law test. My wife and I are fairly techy, but my MIL refuses to pay a cable bill and isn’t satisfied with the shows available on the antenna. I’ve got an entire Emby setup for her to use, and have mostly trained her how to use Overseerr to request shows/movies for her to watch, too. It was a bit of a pain getting here, but it works well now.
My Comcast is $78 for their highest tier channel lineup and DVR with no premium channels.
So kinda samesy except you can share the YTTV with five family members.
My Spectrum cable TV bill was around $85, but they also charged a $22 “broadcasting fee” on top of that. YTTV doesn’t have any added hidden fees (yet.) Spectrum makes a big deal advertising “no hidden fees,” so fuck them and their hidden fees. Their TV app was also horrible, constantly losing audio sync.
removed by mod
annoying if you actively do not want a tv subscription.
Our guys won’t stop trying to bundle VoIP phones with their TV package.
I don’t want a phone. My cell phone is set up as a tablet (can’t do calls or SMS;just data) and I love it. The only call I ever got on my last handset was some lying ad flunky trying to sell me a fucking tv package.
They stopped asking me why I didn’t want the phone bundle after I told them that.
Cox was kinda like that. We got 2gig ATT fiber for way less than Cox at 1g because cox charges for unlimited.
I went to YouTubeTV earlier this year and it’s definitely cheaper than RCN, which recently bought WOW. I have Comcast as a choice but they aren’t better. The base rate for RCN that they advertise is $59, but they add four different fees that you don’t see until your first bill: Sports Surcharge, Broadcast TV surcharge, franchise fees, and Entertainment Networks Surcharge. After those add-ons it was $115, so I’m saving money because the YouTubeTV price is actually advertised properly, without these ridiculous add ons.
Wouldn’t that explain why they got this ad banned
I think I’m saving about $500 per year, so the ad isn’t completely accurate. I think they based it on the savings from before they raised the rate to $73.
I honestly have no idea how much cable costs where I live and it’s not for a lack of trying. I’ve tried to look but it’s literally not possible to look on mediacom’s website to get cable prices unless I add a cable package to my internet plan. My only other option is to call them, and their entire support is outsourced and it’s a toss up on whether I get someone who speaks English or not. One time the call center person spoke so little English that they had to transfer me to someone else.