Pressure grows on Apple to open up iMessage::Samsung has joined Google’s campaign to force Apple to make iMessage RCS-compatible—but European regulators are more likely to get that job done.
I’m not so sure about the special license thing. The limit on 3rd party apps is because there isn’t an API in Android that exposes RCS to users, only OEMs (which is how Samsung can do it). If Google flipped that switch and made the API public, 3rd party apps would be able to use it just as easily as they do SMS without paying extra or obtaining a license. It’s an open standard.
Only Google knows why they haven’t done this already.
Because RCS is provisioned by the telcos and the telcos won’t let them.
Want end to end encryption, have to use Google Messages, not Samsung Messages, both RCS. How’s that for interop?
RCS is a mess and not the savior.