There are uses of AI that are proving to be more than black and white. While voice actors, have protested their performances being fed into AI against their will, we are now seeing an example of this being done, with permission, in a very unique case.
Star field does this and it caught me complete off guard became I had used my real name.
Dang, the future is here.
Fallout 4 did as well, but it worked with a list of names that Codsworth could say. I’m assuming Starfield does something similar? Or is it a ton of NPCs that use the name?
I thought they actually just recorded a ton of names for Fallout 4? I seem to recall hearing that they did something like 900+ different name recordings.
They did the same thing. Probably using the same list with additions. Both games have a robot be the only character who says your name. I suppose that makes it less unbelievable if you notice the splices where they add your name to an otherwise unaltered line.
That’s what I meant :) I just assumed they did the same thing for Starfield
Idk I didn’t pick a name, I just entered my name for my character. Then I was playing and Vasco just said my name. I literally stopped in my tracks and was like “what did you just say?”
Yeah, he called me Assface.
To be fair, Vasco is a robot with a robotic / computer generated sounding voice. It’s still cool, but it wouldn’t take modern AI / neural network based processing to do that, any old text to speech engine could reproduce Vasco’s voice.
He’s voiced by Jake Green
I just saw another link farther down saying that its not actually auto generated at all. Jake Green just had to record 1011 different names…