There are uses of AI that are proving to be more than black and white. While voice actors, have protested their performances being fed into AI against their will, we are now seeing an example of this being done, with permission, in a very unique case.
Oh, so you’d take issue with something like writing Lord of the Rings scripts based on the books, and then making movies based on the scripts?
Or maybe you have a problem with something like the family agreeing to the creation of a TV series covering time periods outside the author’s original scope of work?
What a horrid world we might end up living in if things like that were allowed to happen…
I likely lead you astray by being short on my phone, let me alter my statement to say
This isn’t the creators work. This is using ai to create new things. This is akin to having an ai write a new lord of the rings sequel under the guise of the original author.
which is more directly comparable to this situation. “J.R.R Tolkens new book, The Lord of the Rings: 2 electric boogaloo”
No, it really isn’t.