Pressure grows on Apple to open up iMessage::Samsung has joined Google’s campaign to force Apple to make iMessage RCS-compatible—but European regulators are more likely to get that job done.
Googles implementation of the RCS standard has extra things not included in the base standard. The encryption for example is something Google added that is not part of the standard.
Additionally, Google does not allow any other implementation of RCS to talk to their jibe servers to pass messages without them explicitly approving it.
So what Google has functionally created is a proprietary messaging service built on top of an open standard. This is what most people miss about all of the coverage of Google pushing for RCS.
I didn’t know that Google built encryption on top of the standard, I thought it was part of it.
Besides that though, Google would be making the dumbest business move if they didn’t let Apple’s potential RCS implementation talk to theirs.
Besides that, the point that RCS is still an open standard stands and should replace SMS just because of how archaic and old it is. Heck, there’s still a character limit.