YouTube is cracking down on consumers’ favorite loophole - Adblockers::undefined
update your rules, made the popup go away on my ubloick origin <3
addendum: a how to:
- left click ublock origin
- click the three interlocking cogs
- select the filter lists tab at the top
- click purge all caches
- click update now
- refresh your youtube tab you just encoutered the popup in and press f5 or refresh the site otherwise
before i had the popup on each video, after no more.
Can confirm, this advice came direct from the developers of UBO and it does work.
Doesn’t work anymore. I’ve had to use piped video for the past 2 days.
maybe talk to the author of ublock origin instead, i just commented on how i fixed it on my machines which all sit in europe :D
idk what crazy gunk google-australia is up to that makes it not work for you
Thanks for letting me know it should work. I decided to go through the process of disabling plugins on Firefox and YouTube Enhancer was the culprit. Do you know how I can get YouTube Enhancer back?