Ads are served based on your browsing history. If you have never watched those, then you probably should check on you 8yo child or wife’s who’s using the same acc
Not necessarily true. They are mostly advertised as “music videos” or something like this. If YouTube would know it’s porn or even CP, they wouldn’t serve the ads and block the account.
There are other factors that also play a role like location or age.
Yeah they probably serve it to certain demographics like “men between 25 and 45” or something.
I’ve never gotten ads even close to what they describe but probably because I’m a woman and fall on the elder end of gen z. So I get God awful temu and tiktok ads and then what I assume is just served to the general populace like whatever latest child mower they’re calling a consumer truck these days.
Nobody else used my google acc at the time i still had it. I use FF now anyway.
Ads are served based on your browsing history.
Not really. Ads served on Google ecosystem is geo-based, if you don’t logged in your Google account or where your YouTube connected. You cannot get rid of it, unless you wipe all Chrome and Android users.
I’m pretty sure there’s nothing in my browsing history that would suggest I’m looking for a boyfriend 🤮