Usually most of my YouTube ads are for bullshit training programs (and I do mean bullshit, like pseudosciencey shit) or gambling.
Both are just at the edge of legality (I am pretty sure some cross it).
Except since last month, because now almost all are for that Scorsese movie. I mean, I don’t mind being advertised that, but I’ve seen these ads so much that all they managed to do is make me hate it despite barely knowing anything about it.
Also, unskippable ads keep being longer. Now it’s reached two 20-second ads interrupting even short-ish videos every 5 minutes or so.
So yeah, people, that’s what YouTube looks like without an ad blocker now. Gee, I wonder why so many block them.
I get the piano fraud guy shouting about how only he can teach you mastery of the piano in three days, or something like that. It’s a scam but I can’t get rid of his obnoxious ads.
In my region (Philippines), this Shopee ads (eq. of Amazon in US) are too cutesy, annoying, and louder than my video I suppose to watch. With or without Google account, this particular ad is everywhere on YouTube. Don’t get me on gambling ads.