imagine seeing a site like bandcamp and having your goal being to take it over and kick people out. literally so psychopathic yet it’s thought of as ‘smart business’ in our society
Capitalism is why we can’t have nice things.
Nice things are over designed and built, adequate things are most profitable.
*typed on an iphone
Ah right I forgot, socialism is when no phone
Look at this guy over here with adequate things, what are they too good for our normal level of trash?
fuck capitalism
*he said from his $1000 iphone.
wow. owned.
Imagine founding a site like Bandcamp and cashing out. No non-public company is forced to sell anything.
Capitalism! Exploited by greedy leeches in a society indoctrinated to do nothing about it!
No, see, as a music licensing business, it is in their best interests to make sure the labels maintain control, and bandcamp put artists first.
You would think that this should be an antitrust slam dunk but HURRR DURRR FREE MARKET BRO
its called enshitification, bleed it dry and throw it away, cuz its more profitable to just make a new one.
enshitification has nothing to do with it. This is just plain definition of capitalism.
Enshitification is the new buzzword people love to use in any example of companies being horrible regardless of if it’s correct or not.
i know right? It is very funny because somebody jumps in in an attitude “let me tell you what it is” and they just spit a buzzword wrongly used