Government trying to steer a herd of impulsive and selfish citizens into doing what makes sense for the collective (or what they believe makes sense (or what they’re trying to convince us they believe makes sense))
deeper nested brackets Or what the car lobby tells them they should try to convince they believe makes sense
(((Triple brackets in internet speak means the thing is Jewish or a dogwhistle you lemon)))
Wow, what the actual fuck, why do nazis need to ruin everything?
I think ruining things is just their whole identity, but tbh, of all the things they’ve ruined, triple brackets is pretty low on the list.
RIP to all your apparent Internet communications that people have taken as weirdly out of place anti-semitism though
To be fair, stuff like the GDPR is probably not in the lobby’s best interests, so they do bring good regulation too
Not a single head of any of the car makers who participated in the rigging of diesel car emissions testing went to jail.
Diesel car emssions are thought to kill around 10000 people per year in Europe (not all of which the excess emissions resulting from the rigging, but part of it).
Not even human lives are more important than the wishes of the car lobby for european politicians.
If there’s money to be made, large companies regardless of nationality will gladly slaughter the mass for a profit increase.
The really shocking bit, however, is how our supposed representatives will help them out.