Their kids died after buying drugs on Snapchat. Now the parents are suing::Suit claims app features like disappearing messages and geolocating users make kids easy targets for dealers
Better drugs, more accountability, better regulations, better education, stronger supports funded by the Revenue from drugs.
How is this news to you?
Because I don’t live in a country where drugs are rampantly abused like a past time? It’s a good thing you know?
You’re country is missing out then. Drugs are a key aspect of the human condition.
What country do you live in?
Been 3 hours and he still hasn’t answered lul. Bet he Googled it and found out it is rampant.
India, yes drugs exist here and yes I have had them. But for a country of 1 billion+ you will very rarely find articles about people OD’ing the way you do in other countries because that culture is not here. It is present in few specific states like Punjab but not a country wide thing.
Wow, less than 5% of Indians even use alcohol. Quite a different culture for sure.
You mean the culture of reporting and talking about it, right?
How’s the weather is make believe land?
Drug abuse and drug use are not synonymous. Most people who use drugs use them as part of their life and don’t have dependency issues. So who cares if they use them
Motivated reasoning is a heluva drug
How so?
Dude you were replying to seems convinced criminalization is the way to go, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Like 120 years worth (give or take) of prohibition in the US, and the drug problem has only gotten worse. If dude doesn’t want to see that evidence, dude won’t.