What a dumb article title
Their 6.2b profit wasn’t from GeForce Now, it was from their overpriced GPU’s.
Products are priced based on their cost/value, not the companies overall profit margins
Products are priced based on their cost/value
Ah, yes and the world is full of rational actors with perfect information.
And game streaming is such a profitable market segment too. I mean look at how well Stadia is doing.
They failed because no one could trust them. I never bought into it at all because I knew one day they’d shut it down, and they did.
Google ruined their reputation, and people are going to have a tough time buying into anything they release. I really only buy their phones and use their services that I am not tied into, such as YouTube, Maps, Translate, etc. All of their services where I am buying things, or hosting my data, I jumped shipped a couple years ago.
I mean shit, I bought their Google WiFi and they just straight up fucked all their users and released their Nest WiFi, pretending the Google WiFi doesn’t exist.
Most normal users don’t view Google like this,
I work retail and customers don’t think this thoroughly about Google or any other brands really
Pretty much everyone I know refuses to buy into anything Google releases now. Not because they are tired of losing money or support, but they hate having to try and move their stuff over to a different service.
The average user won’t care about firmware updates or that they lost a few bucks, but they hate when they need to figure out how to move their music over to Spotify or lose the ability to cloud print.
“Products are priced based on their cost/value, not the companies overall profit margins”
It doesn’t take much to observe that this is just incorrect.
That’s how it’s supposed to work, and they teach that in your Intro to Economics course, but in reality it just doesn’t work that way.
It does, it’s just that the “value” gets fucked and manipulated in ways that are bad for the consumer