IRS will pilot free, direct tax filing in 2024::Direct File is a shot across the bows of Turbotax, H&R Block, and others who have resisted free and simple tax filing for decades.
Why can’t they pre fill in the form and ask us if it’s correct. The cast majority of us have pretty straight forward filling is.
Because Intuit and H&R Block have given more money to have it stay the same than anybody has for simplifying it.
Gotta love a bribery based legislature system.
Can’t like… a few million of us put a dollar in to make a big enough bribe to counter these assholes’ bribes?
People have tried with minimal success to do something like this IIRC.
The biggest problem is that corporate America has shit loads of cash. So much so that even if Americans were to pull the money together, it just wouldn’t compete.
The solution is to vote politicians into power that don’t accept bribes and are willing to criminalize them.
So basically never vote for Republicans!
More or less, yeah
What is Nancy Pelosi popular for doing?
I don’t know. Would you mind explaining to me what she’s done with sources?
She is popular for collecting the most money.
The house passed a ton of great bills in 2021-2022. There weren’t enough votes in the senate for any to become law though. We can blame the two openly corrupt Democrats for that, or we can blame the 50 corrupt Republicans.
Also the inflation reduction act did pass, and from the article:
“The program is more or less a direct result of funding provided by the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, through which $15 million was earmarked for the purpose of exploring and implementing a simple, free, government-provided tax filing service.”
What you are saying is that we are suffering from taxation without representation.
That is basically what is going on. We do technically have representation in the same way La Croix has taste.