Their kids died after buying drugs on Snapchat. Now the parents are suing::Suit claims app features like disappearing messages and geolocating users make kids easy targets for dealers
Except big pharma will gouge the fuck out of any opportunity market and have people still resort to the street level junk.
Just let people buy the same stuff people take for prescriptions, at the same prices they would pay if they were uninsured.
If you’re uninsured, a month’s supply of cheap ADHD stimulant meds is like $40, and that’s for somebody taking it daily not recreationally. Fancy patented stuff like Vyvanse costs like 10X more but there you’re paying for timed consistent long-term release, which isn’t exactly a huge concern for recreational use.
“I wanna buy some ritalin”
“Do you have a prescription?”
“Can I see some ID?”
“Okay. That’ll be $40. Since you’ve never taken this before we strongly recommend you take your first hit now and sit in that chair for 40 minutes so we can make sure you don’t OD and die. Fill out this consent form, watch this video, and give me another $40 for this one-time onboarding.”
I love this
Legal weed in Canada has determined THAT was a lie.
Weeds legal here too. The fun part is paying upwards of 30% tax on top of overpriced product.