It was never great.
Their “generous” pay if you want to remove this obnoxious message prompt aside…
It was temporarily useful until better alternatives arose… Which took virtually no time.
This revisionist history is so wild I can only assume you are 16 years old and freshly playing on your first computer that you dont need to share
Lol… You people and your condescension is what’s fucking wild.
As if only a child could disagree with your stupid fucking opinions.
Get over yourself.
Only a child wouldnt have lived through the history, and so doesnt know it.
You’re a fucking idiot.
People have different opinions.
I am 50 fucking years old and I’d be really surprised if you’re older considering the immature shit you’re spouting at me.
It was temporarily useful until better alternatives arose… Which took virtually no time.
This is just an inaccurate timeline of events, not a difference of opinion.
Im very sorry to hear you spent 40 years of your life in a coma, but Im glad youre up and walking now.
Back in the day WIndows didn’t even have the capability to deal with ZIPs natively. Even if its time was brief (which I honestly don’t remember, I think that it was useful for years, almost up to Vista’s time) it was useful.
And I do think it generous that this paid software just let you use it after clicking a button with no time limit. Time gave us better options, but I think a lot of people look at WinRAR harsher than it deserves.
Most people already had WinZip for zip files before Windows had built in support and most people didn’t ever really even deal with rar files.