With the number of people concerned about privacy, it is a wonder why chrome is even popular.
Alright. Then please tell me a way to circumvent site compatibility enforcement and I will gladly ditch any chrome-related browsers (that most sites are enforcing to use it nowadays) for the beloved fox on fire.
-EDIT And what do you have to say about this? https://youtu.be/_JNg4Ox2Hvc?t=512 .Its a very recent video and has some interesting takes about firefox.
What sites are requiring it? I haven’t hit any issues in a couple years.
Anything related to cloud gaming (GeforceNOW, XCloud). And I’ve already tried a user switch on those sites and it simply doesn’t work (site refuses to load, etc.).
Ah, yeah that would make sense. You can always just keep a copy of ungoogled chromium. Some of those might even support web apps, which would make sense for a cloud gaming site.
Here you go: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/user-agent-string-switcher/ That will work most of the time if there really isn’t something special from a browser that the website needs.
I’ve tried using it and it simply doesn’t work (site either refuses to load or stops loading halfway). Thanks anyways.
Sounds like they need something specific from chrome then. No real way around it, if those sites don’t really have privacy concerns then i’d only use chrome for them.
Fair enough. Thank you.