FCC moves ahead with Title II net neutrality rules in 3-2 party-line vote::FCC issues Notice of Proposed Rulemaking over Republican objections.
T-Mobile users; be aware that T-Mobile has prepared for this and are trying to automatically transition grandfathered accounts with unlimited everything into their new plans.
I’m not 100% sure if the coverage of the new plans are technically worse, but they’re definitely more expensive. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the new plans had contact language to do a rug pull in the future.
You need to opt out of the transition.
What’s T-Mobile have to do with net neutrality?
They are an ISP, you know what net neutrality applies to?
While this is good information to share this has nothing to do with the net neutrality stuff.
I might be mistaken then, but doesn’t part of Net Neutrality mean that telecommunication companies can’t throttle unlimited plans?