This feels like a fairly desperate attempt to get Google to pay them something
Ding ding ding ding!! It’s telling that this announcement came out after it was disclosed that Google pays Apple 18-20 BILLION A YEAR to be the default search engine on IOS. Spez is trying to tap into that.
He’s a greedy little shit who’d rather run the entire platform into the ground for a buck than do anything useful with his life.
He could’ve done great things. He could’ve gone down in history shoulder to shoulder with some of the big guys, instead, he’s been a snivelling backstabbing little fungus from day 1.
Boy oh boy, think about how valuable being the default on iPhones must be if Google is willing to pay that much money.
That’s a lot of profit off selling people’s data.
I don’t wanna be a buzzkill, but if the FTC/DOJ kill the Apple/Google deal that’s going to impact Mozilla too, which really needs the money from Google as well.