If you want to watch porn, go to a porn site. Porn is not allowed on twitch, the only way these streamers survive without being banned is because they tow the line of what is explicitly sexual. Abusing a loophole basically.
Again, don’t watch them if you don’t like them. If they’re not breaking the rules, then they have every right to be on the platform as anyone else. It’s not like your favorite streamers are suddenly doing porn on the side, right?
Pornographic streams are actually against the rules on twitch. You can read them here https://safety.twitch.tv/s/article/Community-Guidelines?language=en_US
We’re not talking about pornographic streams, though.
Then don’t watch pornstar streams?
your original words.
You can pretend like they’re not pornographic but its pretty undeniable these streams are sexual in nature intended to funnel people to their platforms where they can be explicitly sexual instead of skirting the rules by doing “hot tub streams” etc… I wish people wouldn’t be facetious about it.
There are plenty of porn stars who stream non-porn content on Twitch. Porn stars are allowed to have more than one interest, y’know. And for the more risque/lewd content like hot tub streams, Twitch literally has a separate category on their platform specifically designed so that the more “adult” content isn’t in the main feeds to begin with.
I’m not talking about porn stars who happen to stream video games. I’m talking about the explicitly sexual streams where they do suggestive things for donations. It’s basically cam site lite with a direct funnel to their adult content. It’s still extremely prevalent in just chatting.