There are more secure location sharing apps out there that are end to end encrypted. My family uses Zood location when we are out and about and needing to coordinate our locations. It is handy to use sometimes but it doesn’t do all the spy stuff the other apps do.
I self-host Hauk, although I could not polish all the bugs myself, it works pretty well.
We have location sharing on 24/7, it was consensual on both sides, and it is great when coordinating.
I am 27, tho, back in my teenager days there was no location tracking easily available, but I’d use it in a heartbeat. Better than getting asked if I am already on the way home or still at the party.
I mean, just carrying a cellphone with mobile reception is almost like a 24/7 GPS tracker although obv no parent is generally going to be able to (not should they be able to) like warrant or subpoena that shit from the network carriers/towers