That cant be real—holy shit. Thats worse than picking on kids that dont have an iPhone™️ or any phone or don’t have “the blue bubbles” from using iMessage (which nobody should ever use honestly)
Fight the system, if someone laughs at you for having a green bubble, just counter by saying you are special and they are just normies like everyone else with blue bubble.
I go even further and say “if you want the real and sick blue bubbles, get Signal”.
Otherwise, enjoy getting spied on and having all your data handed over from Apple and also iMessage is dogshit. Half the time it doesnt even get delivered/received and you have to literally call or message the person through some real stable means of communication to troubleshoot
Imma not even get started on iMessage --> skeleton key/zero-day purpose (this is conjecture but I vehemently reject any argument to the contrary)
Yeah, those people are delusional, but that’s what you get when you raise kids in a world where having expensive shit is more important than teaching them frugality, money saving, and being nice to each other.
Blue bubbles go brrrr, doesn’t matter the kid doesn’t have attention span due to watching TikTok all day, or eating junk food cuz parents order fast food and have frozen pizza every day for dinner.
…expensive shit…eating junk food…fast food…frozen pizza…
You’re hitting dangerously close to home here, lol
I mean, I do it because I want to, not because I have to.
Okay, sometimes I am just lazy and not doing it might make me regret it later on.
do it
Err—could you clarify what you mean?
Burying bodies in my gardeneating shitty food in order to sate my hungerfor human fleshwhich usually makes mego on a killing spree to calm my cravings for bloodless productive.