Its going to be the same devious bull that all the websites are pulling with accepting cookies. You could either press “no” on every single page all the time or press “yes” once and be done with it. Most people in their 20s and 30s are trained on years of finding the real play or download button on shady streaming websites and we still struggle. I can’t imagine how older, less tech savy folk are doing or kids with the attention span equal to the lifetime of a 10w lamp hooked to a nuclear reactor. (I’m not trying to talk anybody down, just using a hyperbolic statement)
As long “explicit opt-in” isn’t the standard, it’s going to be a struggle. I should go out of my way to give them my data and not make sure that they don’t just take it.
I would just love to see a political party answering the corporate statement “But we can’t make money if we don’t sell ads” with “Should have been a real business then, well, sucks to be you.”.
A real business like TV, radio, newspapers, comics, magazines, and every professional sports team?
Yes, exactly like one of those.
Imagine the memes from the New Zuck Times, Warner Zuck Studios or 105.35 Zuck FM.