There are tools that work on any OS. Audio processing has been developing at an even pace on all main OS (Windows, Mac, Linux). At this point it’s a matter of what flow works best for you. Windows itself is not an industry standard by any means. The OS matters very little in general beyond being able to give you real time processing and low latency. Windows could not even do low latency before 10.
Pro tools (the real studio standard): Windows, Mac
Logic: Mac
Live: Windows, Mac
Nuendo: Windows, Mac
Sound Forge: Windows, Mac
Acid Pro: Windows
Reaper: Windows, Mac… Linux!
I can throw out names too. Bitwig, Cadence, Ardour, Zebra yabridge Pianoteq etc. Also entire distributions — MX, Elementary, Ubuntu, Mint, Solus etc.
Is it relevant? Maybe, depending on what you actually need.
Like I said, there’s no shortage of tools on any OS. If you want those specific ones that you listed and you want to do it on Windows, you can.
The only thing I object to is saying it can’t be done on another OS that you’re obviously not familiar with.
I never said it can’t be done, just like my mechanic could make a living working out of his yard without a garage, I just said that if you’re serious about it long term you can’t escape it, the real (pro) tools aren’t on Linux, just like my mechanic had to buy a garage if he wanted to continue doing that long term and professionally.