The best tool for the job is the tool you have access to.
That doesn’t apply the same for tools as it does cameras. For cameras the idea is at least you have the image captured. For a tool, if you’re trying to lift a car up, a hammer alone isn’t going to do you much good.
Why doesn’t it apply? Because you don’t want it to?
Not everyone who has an interest in something has access to resources. Money is often the limiting factor. So should those people not pursue their interest because the tools they don’t have are beyond their reach?
Why doesn’t it apply?
Lift a car with a hammer. Sometimes the only tool you have access to is the wrong tool. That doesn’t make it the best or correct or even reasonable tool to use.
So in your very odd analogy there is a naked man in a white void, a hammer and a car? You know what? I don’t care to continue this.
Well, if you have Linux then you have a PC then you can install Windows and you have access to better tools…
I’d rather bath my nan than go through another Windows install.
Man, you guys are precious and a half
[agree to terms] - you can’t understand the plot of this novel
[telemetry] - my data is not for sale
[product key failed] - screw me for upgrading the computer - time to buy another 2nd hand CD key
[online account] - 🖕 🖕
Agree, don’t agree, never been an issue, skip
My understanding is Win 11 makes it hard to skip using an online account now.
None of this is my issue anymore, no plans to use Windows.